
Friday, August 31, 2012

The Power Elite: Cecil Rhodes and One-World Government‏

Hello Friends!

The Power Elite? One-world economy? One-world religion? Are these entities real and is there a goal for a One-world government? Or are these ideas all just a "conspiracy theory" in the imaginations of some paranoid right-wingers?  

The answer to this question is quite obvious if one would simply study history and the writings of those involved in this diabolical plan to rule the world with a demonic iron fist. The diligent student would then begin to grasp the tangled web of deception that drives its members to what the Bible clearly describes as a one-world government, one-world currency and one-world religion. 

Let's take a look at some of the undeniable facts, and then decide for yourself. Time is very short...

The Power Elite: Cecil Rhodes and One-World Government
There is… little doubt that the American power elite has… planned and plotted….. The power elite is not altogether 'surfaced.' …With the wide secrecy covering their operations and decisions, the power elite can mark their intentions, operations and further consolidation…. New men come into it [the power elite] and assume its existence without question.
The Power Elite (1956) by Columbia University Psychologist C. Wright Mills
The nation's immediate problem is that while the common man fights America's wars, the intellectual elite sets its agenda. Today, whether the West lives or dies is in the hands of its new power elite: those who set the terms of public debate, who manipulate the symbols, who decide whether nations or leaders will be depicted on 100 million television sets as 'good' or 'bad.' This power elite sets the limits of the possible for Presidents and Congress. It molds the impressions that move the nation, or that mire it.
The Real War (1980) by President Richard Nixon
At the national level, this conditioning of the public might be brought about via certain crises, such as a terrorist attack…. For the sake of peace and security, people may be willing to give up certain aspects of their freedoms to some extent.
The Globalists: The Power Elite Exposed (2001) by Dennis L. Cuddy, PhD (two months before the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001)
While there are conspiracies going on in the world today, the pursuit of world government now is no longer conspiratorial in the sense of being hidden or secret. Rather, it's what socialist author H.G. Wells called "The Open Conspiracy," as prominent people such as Bill Clinton and George Bush have openly written in support of a one-world government. It will probably be a World Socialist Government, synthesizing western capitalism and eastern communism known Communitarianism. In fact, Joseph Stalin in a speech at Sverdlov University in April 1924 pronounced that:
"The amalgamation and collaboration of nations within a single world system of economy… constitutes the material basis for the victory of socialism." And regarding what world government will ultimately mean, it will be authoritarian and repressive, for as Lord Acton wrote: "Absolute power corrupts absolutely."
In 1891, gold and diamond magnate Cecil Rhodes formed a secret society, the Society of the Elect, to "absorb the wealth of the world" and "to take the government of the whole world," according to Rhodes. According to Professor Carroll Quigley, Bill Clinton's mentor at Georgetown University, in The Anglo-American Establishment, Rhodes' conspiratorial secret society lasted almost 60 years. By that time, enough members of the society and Rhodes scholars had penetrated the areas of politics, economics, journalism and education so that the society was simply replaced by a network of power elite, who would openly pursue a one-world government.  According to Quigley:
"The [Rhodes] scholarships were merely a façade to conceal the secret society, or more accurately, they were to be one of the instruments by which members of the secret society could carry out Rhodes' purpose."
And in case anyone doubts the credibility of Professor Quigley regarding this matter, The Washington Post article (March 23, 1975) about him and his information obtained from the power elite's "secret records" was titled, The Professor Who Knew Too Much.
Cecil Rhodes' secret society was comprised of a small "Circle of Initiates" and a larger semi-secret "Association of Helpers" which formed Round Table Groups.
Rhodes scholars today will tell you that Rhodes abandoned his conspiratorial plans, instead opting simply to establish Rhodes scholarships. However, Association of Helpers member Arnold Toynbee, a world famous British historian, revealed in a June 1931 speech to the Institute for the Study of International Affairs at Copenhagen:
"We are at present working discreetly with all our might to wrest this mysterious force called sovereignty out of the clutches of the local nation states of the world. All the time we are denying with our lips what we are doing with our hands, because to impugn the sovereignty of the local nation states of the world is still a heresy for which a statesman or publicist can perhaps not quite be burned at the stake but certainly ostracized or discredited." (See "The Trend of International Affairs Since The War" in the November 1931 edition of the Royal Institute of International Affairs' journal International Affairs.) Note: This was decades after Rhodes established his scholarships.
Members of the Round Table Groups along with members of the Fabian (Socialist) Society as well as "the Inquiry" (a group formed by President Woodrow Wilson's chief advisor, Col. Edward M. House) formed the Royal Institute of International Affairs in Great Britain, and its American branch, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Both Professor Quigley in Tragedy and Hope and CFR member Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. in A Thousand Days have referred to the CFR as a "front" for the power elite. And in Men and Powers, former West Germany chancellor Helmut Schmidt referred to the CFR as "the foreign policy elite," which prepared people for "top-level missions" in government and "other centers of international policy" and "had very silent but effective ways of seeing to its own succession."

Members of Rhodes' secret society networked with Fabian Socialists, who established the London School of Economics in 1895. One early Fabian, H.G. Wells, in New Worlds for Old explained what he called "a plot," whereby heads of state would come and go, but bureaucrats trained at the London School of Economics, for example, would remain in government, making rules and regulations furthering the goals of the Fabian Socialists. Wells broke with the Fabians, not in terms of goals, but only in believing they should be open about them, as he explained the coming synthesis of western capitalism and eastern communism into a world socialist government. In this regard, he authored The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution (1928) and The New World Order (1939), in which he said sovereign nations would end and "countless people… will hate the new world order… and will die protesting against it."

The power elite understood that it would be difficult to get the people of the world to accept a world government all at once, and so a gradual approach was suggested. Association of Helpers member and Canadian Rhodes scholar P.E. Corbett in Post-War Worlds (1942) wrote:
"A world association binding together and coordinating regional groupings of states may evolve toward one universal federal government…. World government is the ultimate aim, but there is more chance of attaining it by gradual development."
More recently, at Mikhail Gorbachev's first State of the World Forum in 1995, Zbigniew Brzezinski (President Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor) announced that:
"we cannot leap into world government through one quick step, but rather via progressive regionalization."
During the presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the trend toward socialism was obvious, but even after World War II it continued, as U.S. Rep. Carroll Reece on April 6, 1956 delivered a speech saying:
"We approach closer and closer to socialism," and "The foundation-financed cartel promotes the idea of government by an elite."
One of the elite was Rhodes Scholar Walt Rostow who, in The United States in the World Arena (1960), proposed "an end to nationhood as it has been historically defined." He became Deputy National Security Advisor for President John F. Kennedy, whose Secretary of State was Rhodes scholar Dean Rusk, who in September 1961 issued Freedom From War: The U.S. Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World.

The same year "Freedom From War" was issued, another Rhodes scholar, Richard Gardner, became Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and three years later, while still in that position, authored In Pursuit of World Order. The Foreword to this book was written by Rhodes Scholar Harlan Cleveland, who has been a CFR member, Ambassador to NATO, Director of International Affairs at the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, and Chairman of the U.S. Weather Modification Advisory Board. Cleveland's books include The Third Try at World Order, Birth of a New World, and The Global Commons: Policy for the Planet.

How would "World Order" be pursued? In the April 1974 edition of the CFR's Foreign Affairs, Richard Gardner wrote in The Hard Road to World Order, that it would involve "an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece." He believed that approach would "accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault," and he further explained how GATT could be involved in the process. Gardner would eventually become an advisor on the United Nations to CFR member Bill Clinton's first presidential campaign, after which he would become U.S. Ambassador to Spain, from which would produce Marxist Javier Solana as the head of NATO with the support of the Clinton administration.

Bill Clinton had become a Rhodes scholar in the late 1960s with support from Professor Quigley and Rhodes scholar U.S. Senator J. William Fulbright, who had authored Old Myths and New Realities (1964), announcing:
"Indeed, the concept of national sovereignty has become in our time a principle of international anarchy…. The sovereign nation can no longer serve as the ultimate unit of personal loyalty and responsibility."
During then Governor Clinton's 1992 presidential campaign, his Rhodes Scholar roommate at Oxford University, CFR director Strobe Talbott, wrote in Time (July 20, 1992) that:
"Perhaps national sovereignty wasn't such a great idea after all…. But it has taken the events in our own wondrous and terrible century to clinch the case for world government."
For that article, Talbott would receive the World Federalist Association's Norman Cousins Global Governance Award, and on June 22, 1993, President Clinton would send a congratulatory letter to the WFA regarding the award, saying that previous WFA president Norman Cousins had worked for world peace "and world government." President Clinton ended the letter by wishing the WFA "future success." The WFA's objective is world federal government, and in 1994 it published The Genius of Federation: Why World Federation Is the Answer to Global Problems, in which it had strategized:
"Let the U.N. establish new agencies such as the International Criminal Court…. National sovereignty would be gradually eroded until it is no longer an issue. Eventually a world federation can be formally adopted with little resistance." In November 2003, the WFA merged with the Campaign for United Nations Reform to form a new organization called Citizens for Global Solutions with the motto "Building a World Community Under Law."
During his presidency, Bill Clinton would also develop a close relationship with British Prime Minister Tony Blair (a vice-president of Socialist International), whose The Third Way: New Politics for the New Century calling for "ethical socialism" was published in September 1998 by the Fabian (Socialist) Society. And in The Washington Post (April 7, 1999), Rhodes Scholar E.J. Dionne, Jr. wrote A World Safe for Socialism, describing how the Democratic Leadership Council had:
"Found itself playing host… to four Western European leaders whose parties have socialist and social democratic roots…. All subscribe to versions of the ‘Third Way’ approach to politics that Blair and Clinton have been marketing."
When Bill Clinton was first campaigning for the presidency, he took a "tough" stand concerning policy toward Communist China. However, over the years of his two-term presidency, his policies toward that nation took a dramatically friendlier shift. On ABC's This Week (March 15, 1997), Rhodes Scholar and former Clinton administration communications director George Stephanopoulos (CFR member) revealed:
"There were a lot of reasons the president changed his policy on China…. It had little to do with [Chinese] contributions."
And when Cokie Roberts on the same program, said, "It had more to do with American money," Stephanopoulos replied: "Council on Foreign Relations, Lehman Brothers, Goldman-Sachs, absolutely." Quite a few Rhodes scholars have occupied high-level positions with Goldman-Sachs over the years.
At this point, someone might say that they understand that Cecil Rhodes had a secret society to take over the world, and that Rhodes scholars like Robert Reich, Ira Magaziner, James Woolsey and others played important roles in the Clinton Administration. But, they might say, "That's all over, isn't it, now that Clinton has left office?"
It's important to remember, though, in this regard what Professor Quigley said in his book Tragedy and Hope. He noted that William C. Whitney and others of wealth in the late 19th century developed a plan whereby they would control both major political parties through financial contributions, and then have those parties alternate power so that the public would think it had a choice - an excellent example of the Hegelian Dialectic Process functioning in the political realm. 

Professor Quigley said that Whitney's plan lasted about 16 years, and after that:
"’The Eastern Establishment’ (power elite) moved the Democrat and Republican presidential candidates toward the political center, assiduously fostering the process behind the scenes."
Professor Quigley also confessed:
"The process was concealed as much as possible and the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can 'throw the rascals out' at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy."

We are not guaranteed tomorrow - tomorrow may be too late!  If you haven't yet made that most important decision of your life, won't you make Jesus Christ your personal Lord and Savior today - before it's too late? Today is the day of Salvation!

Keep looking up and sharing the Gospel while there is still time… Hallelujah and Maranatha – come quickly Lord Jesus!
Blessings on your studies and involvement in understanding and sharing the Truth!

If you have been blessed by this message or have a specific question, prayer request or testimony, please send me a note to: encouragingconcepts@live.com

I love hearing from you.  Keep reading Encouraging Concepts!
Shane K. Morin <><
Encouraging Concepts
Truth for Today
"Living Life From a Biblical Worldview"

Lighthouse Publications <>< 
"Dedicated to the Never Ending Search for the Creator's calling within You" (TM)

Friday, August 24, 2012

Technocracy: A Techno Utopia or Virtual Prison?‏

Hello Friends!

Everywhere we go, it seems we are surrounded by screens. Have we entered a techno utopia or virtual prison? Should we be celebrating unreservedly or should we be cautious and skeptical? Is it the greatest leap in productivity or the biggest setback from the things most meaningful in life? Has today’s connectivity drawn us closer to one another or strangely more disjointed? Is our social experience richer and deeper or more shallow and artificial? Is it all of these things or none of them? Does God’s word addresses the unique media challenges we face? Consider some insightful answers to these questions in the following excerpt on this important issue…

Technocracy: A Techno Utopia or Virtual Prison?
Mention “Technocracy” today and a mix of responses emerge like “It’s in a lot science fiction books” or “It’s a model for a utopian world run by technology.” I’ve even herd it said that “It was a crack-pot idea with a cult following. Thankfully it died long ago.” Graham A. Laing is known for the following rhetoric:
“Rugged individualism must go… The individual must subordinate himself to the community…” 
Mr. Laing’s disturbing words didn’t spring out of Nazi Germany, Benito’s fascist Italy or Stalin’s heavy-handed Soviet Union – although the text was common to that era. Rather, the idea that “individualism must go” was the language of a very American movement, one that rapidly spread during the 1930s. From Columbia University to newspapers coast-to-coast, Technocracy was the buzzword for a new way of organizing humanity.
Technocracy was all of the above: a utopian dream, a cult-like movement, and a concept that captured the public’s attention. But it was and is much more; it’s the prime motivator. Today, the fingerprints of Technocracy are deeply impressed upon the political, economic, military, social and spiritual landscape. There isn’t anything that Technocracy hasn’t touched, chiefly because as a type of meta-philosophy, it rests on the most basic principle of human rebellion: By pursuing god-like illumination, Man can become as God.

Man, not God, is the ultimate engineer of human destiny – therefore, Man is God. Technocracy represents the pinnacle of Man’s quest for self-deification: The perfectibility of Man through the thoughts of his mind and the subsequent works of his hands. It’s the cosmic taunt, stemming from the most ancient of days. What God can do, Man can do. The Garden of Eden will be remade.
The following telling quote from last week’s EC article titled “Global Change: Education & Social Engineering” bears repeating:

"Fifty years is ample time in which to change a world and its people almost beyond recognition. All that is required for the task are a sound knowledge of social engineering, a clear sight of the intended goal and power." Arthur C. Clarke

That quote describes the heartbeat of Technocracy: Man’s desire to re-shape humanity in Man’s image.
At its core Technocracy seeks the “engineered society” – not through conventionally understood ideologies such as capitalism or socialism, but through a scientific/engineering mindset. In this sense technology plays a defining role in society, and “social engineers” wield the technical means to transform a population. From economics and industry to population size and general education, the desire of Technocracy was to remake the world in a way that exemplified “efficiency” and guaranteed social harmony.

Technocracy as envisioned by the movement’s leaders in the 1930’s didn’t have a traditional political agenda. In fact, part of its sales-pitch was its disdain for governments, politicians and bankers. It wasn’t looking to form a government, it was looking to replace the entire system with the totally engineered society. This was to be called a “Technate,” and under a Technate you wouldn’t be governed, you’d be managed by “the brotherhood of efficiency, the freemasonry of science...” (From the 1936 movie, Things To Come)

The term “freemasonry of science” could hardly be accidental, and indeed is pregnant with meaning. Used H.G. Wells’ movie, Things to Come, a propaganda piece that heralded a Technocratic utopia arising from the ashes of a world crisis, this phrase proclaimed that a Brotherhood would oversee the transformation of society. And in the movie, advanced technology wielded by this “Brotherhood of Efficiency” overcame those who opposed “progress.” Not unlike the Masonic Lodge with its “Brotherhood of Man,” Wells’ Brotherhood would be bound by the common goal of bettering humanity.

Did H.G. Wells understand this spiritual/scientific link? Whether or not he was a Freemason is debatable, but he did have some understanding of the Lodge. Moreover, he was a Fabian Socialist and a member of the Coefficients – a socialist dinner club with technocratic leanings. Wells believed that the “supreme duty” of the individual was “subordinating the personal life to the creation of a world directorate.” He envisioned a world civilization that would replace socialism and communism; “It will be more, it will be a world religion.”

Putting Mr. Wells and his movie aside, the public high-point for this “freemasonry of science” took place at Columbia University in 1932 and early ’33. It was during this brief period that the Committee on Technocracy, a small group who preached the collapse of the price-based system and called for the technical ordering of North America, was legitimized by one of the most prestigious schools in the United States. Although the group’s existence in Columbia was short lived, the concept of social engineering by technical experts has since ingrained itself into academia and government. Technocracy as an ideal never died.

Today, technocratic elements are observable in the push towards global governance, in organizations such as the Club of Rome and UNESCO, in the European Union and the United Nations, and in the maze of specialized agencies that surround governments. Its heartbeat can be discovered in the eugenics and trans-humanist movement, which seeks to reshape humanity by “directing evolution.” It’s embedded in the military culture and is visible in the rise of the security state - world order and global peace fall under its rubric, our educational system basks in it, and religious leaders and the spiritually interested paradoxically despise and embrace it.

What does this mean for society? Hint: think “social control” through the management of large populations. At its extreme end, Technocracy shoulders the weight of a deadly heritage, a lineage of technical proficiency – a family tree where the branches of Social Darwinism are pruned with lethal efficiency, and the poisonous fruit it produces has names like Auschwitz and Treblinka.

Technocracy in the modern sense is an idea that came to prominence during the early decades of the 20th century. A pair of little-remembered French philosophers who had a teacher-student relationship, Henri de Saint-Simon (1760-1825) and Auguste Comte (1798-1857) are deserving of special attention. Simon, a progenitor of modern socialism  and Comte, the father of “Positive Philosophy” are the co-founders of modern sociology. Both men envisioned a science-based “new age for mankind.” Saint-Simon believed that the:
“scientists and captains of industry will replace the priests and feudal lords as the natural leaders of society.” (Felix Markham, introduction to Henri de Saint-Simon’s collection, Social Organization, The Science of Man, and Other Writings (Harper, 1952), p. xxi)
Finding the idea of God defective, he saw a day when science would shape and rule mankind:
“…it is obvious that when the new scientific system has been constructed, a reorganization of the religious, political, ethical, and educational systems will take place; and consequently a reorganization of the church.” (Henri de Saint-Simon, “Essay on the Science of Man,” Social Organization, The Science of Man and Other Writings (Harper, 1952), p. 21)
 Auguste Comte expanded his teacher’s worldview into an identifiable “Religion of Humanity.” Understood through the laws of science, Humanity was the “only true Great Being,” and thus Humanity should “direct every aspect of our life, individual or collective.” Comte called this Positivism, and viewed it as the pinnacle stage of human development; scientific laws determine truth, therefore only a scientifically enlightened elite should guide humanity. Positivism was a “regenerating doctrine,” an “all-embracing creed” that would lead the world out of ignorance, corruption, and anarchy through a positive, scientific worldview. Building upon his theology of Man, Comte appointed himself the “High Priest of Humanity” and the “Founder of Universal Religion.” In the process he created a system of rituals to mark the stages of life, “from birth to ‘incorporation’ or ‘transformation’ in the Great Being.” Comte asked this question:
“Men are not allowed to think freely about chemistry and biology, why should they think freely about political philosophy?”
Science would birth a political and social priesthood: a technocratic ruling class. This notion of scientific rule in social affairs appealed to the Darwinist thinkers of the 19th century. Men like Francis Galton – the pioneer of eugenics and cousin to Charles Darwin – and Karl Pearson, the father of mathematical statistics and a promoter of eugenics, believed that the “herd” needed training. Evolution provided a “scientific” alternative to the “myth” of Genesis, and Man could now “play God.” Hence, evolutionary management through eugenics (“racial hygiene”) and “population control” found a technical justification. This was the drive for “nothing less than the scientific breeding on a universal scale of the Nietzschean superman.” (Note: Fredrich Nietzsche was a German philosopher who taught the death of God and the rise of the Ubermensch – the evolved superman, or Over-man).

Underpinned by Comte’s “religion of Humanity” and Simon’s “new scientific system,” a progressive concept of elite, science-based social planning took shape: Technocracy. The prophet of this movement proclaimed that Technocracy “should in time produce a race of man superior in quality to any now known on earth.” The premise was straightforward; Science will empower humanity – “in which man may become more than man.” Technology will save us from life-sapping labor, and engineers will efficiently re-build the Garden. Technocracy was and remains a modernist-type of faith with scientists and engineers acting as the new priesthood. The uncritical masses enjoy the fruits of technology while finding themselves inextricably bound to it, and in turn, genuflect to these priests. Life hangs on the sacred words of specialists. After all, who knows better than the “experts”?
Society from the 1880s to the 1940s witnessed a technical/scientific leap of mind-bending proportions. All one has to do is consider the jump from horse-and-buggy to human flight, and from coal-oil lamps to the electric light bulb. Today we’re still enamored with technology, but that earlier period had a fresh vibrancy; engineering marvels that we now take for granted were changing history. Momentum for technological progress was further demonstrated through industrial research laboratories and the scores of scientific facilities that sprang into existence. Consider the following: In 1920, America had some 300 research-based science and industrial labs, by 1940 it had more than 3400. Universities, governments, and bankers jumped on board, as research and development was both costly… and very lucrative. The need for highly skilled workers grew exponentially, and a multitude of engineering and technical associations were formed during those early decades, both in the United States and abroad. Universities created specialized departments that acted as nurseries for “progressive” ideas: Science found itself married to the new concept of socialism, for this was viewed as an “engineering-scientific approach to civilization.”

Equity and solidarity could be fostered and managed through a planned economy, and a planned economy meant a designed community. Finally, planning boards and advisory councils were formed, bringing an ever-widening stream of experts into the halls of government. It was the birth of a growth industry that bridged science, economics, and the weight of law. Germany, Britain, France, America and Russia all witnessed this ascendency of technical influence, and each country experienced diverse outgrowths of Saint-Simon’s worldview. In the United States a new power-base emerged: philanthropic foundations. Major tax-exempt foundations were, and still are, indispensable tools for cultural transformation, giving academic and government leaders access to vast sums of private wealth earmarked for social change. The Carnegie and Rockefeller groups, and their different agencies, are particularly noted for their work in promoting internationalism.

The 1954 Dodd Report to the Reece Committee on Foundations, along with the final Reece Committee reports, noted that these organizations have historically focused on “social engineering” and “techniques of control.” According to the Dodd Report, these groups and their social scientists tend towards the control of human behavior, international planning, centralization of power, and the substituting of individual freedom with group-think. Both the Carnegie and Rockefeller groups came to fruition before World War I. Andrew Carnegie’s pet project, one that dovetailed with his Endowment For International Peace, was the creation of the Peace Palace at The Hague. Carnegie called it a “Holy Temple of Peace,” and the doors officially opened in August 1913. It was a grand vision, and Carnegie had grand dollars to see his Temple built.

Copies of this grand plan were sent around the globe and organizations like the World Peace Foundation, the International Committee of Weights and Measures, the Astronomical Society of France, and the Institute of Physics at the University of Strassburg wrote letters of commendation. So too did the United States Commissioner of Education, the President of Stanford University, and the President of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America - After all, it was a new century of scientific achievement and a year of hope – 1913, the same year Carnegie’s “Holy Temple of Peace” was to open. But in a flash everything changed. One year later the world started to slaughter itself in ways never before imagined.

It’s hard for us, almost one hundred years after the fact, to comprehend the cultural shock that came with the Great War – better known to us as World War I. Science and technology had promised a horn of plenty and human unity, yet it unleashed indescribable horrors. The Great War for the French (and others) started with its foot in the romantic past. But this was the era of science and mechanization; World War I was the first engineered slaughterhouse....

Keep looking up and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ while there is still time… Hallelujah and Maranatha – come quickly Lord Jesus!

Blessings on your studies and involvement in understanding and sharing the Truth!

If you have been blessed by this message or have a specific question, prayer request or testimony, please send me a note to: encouragingconcepts@live.com

I love hearing from you.  Keep reading Encouraging Concepts!
Shane K. Morin <><
Encouraging Concepts
Truth for Today
"Living Life From a Biblical Worldview"

Lighthouse Publications <>< 
"Dedicated to the Never Ending Search for the Creator's calling within You" (TM)

Friday, August 17, 2012

Global Change: Education & Social Engineering‏

Hello Friends!

Today, nearly 90% of Christian children attend a public school. Their families have a vested interest in all that happens there.

Indoctrination is commonly defined as:
“to instruct in a doctrine, principle, ideology, etc., especially to imbue with a specific partisan or biased belief or point of view.”
If you’re not ready to take a hard look at the true state of public education from a global perspective, you will want to avoid this unflinching and highly controversial topic. And, if you think you already know all that’s necessary about education in America, think again...

Global Change: Education & Social Engineering

Without question, one of the greatest tools for social engineering is in the realm of public education. This is not a blanket statement downplaying the role of education per se, but a judgment call recognizing the tremendous influence that the educational system can play in creating "social change" and conformity. Consider the following quote:

"Fifty years is ample time in which to change a world and its people almost beyond recognition. All that is required for the task are a sound knowledge of social engineering, a clear sight of the intended goal - and power." -- Arthur C. Clarke, Childhood's End.
Consider this statement from Naresh Singh, a program director at the International Institute for Sustainable Development:
"Education has been advanced as significant in bringing about changes in attitudes, behavior, beliefs and values...In order to redirect behavior and values towards institutional change for sustainable development there is a need to investigate strategic options in relation to educational philosophies, scope for propagation and adoption, and groups most likely to be susceptible to change." (Naresh Singh, "Empowerment for Sustainable Development: An Overview," Empowerment For Sustainable Development (Halifax, NS: Fernwood Publishing/Winnipeg, MB: International Institute for Sustainable Development, 1995), p. 27)
All of this points to a radical shift now taking place - a shift which emphasizes "global thinking" and "planetary norms." According to the IISD literature:
 "the task of education for the immediate future is to assist in activating an ethic of planetary sensitivity...We must pass from a human-centered to an earth-centered sense of reality and value." (Budd Hall and Edmund Sullivan, "Transformative Education and Environmental Action in the Ecozoic Era," Empowerment For Sustainable Development (Halifax, NS: Fernwood Publishing/Winnipeg, MB: International Institute for Sustainable Development, 1995 - edited by Naresh Singh) p. 102)
This "global-shift role" for general education is a foundational platform for UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. The first Director General of UNESCO, Julian Huxley, clearly laid out UNESCO's educational scope:  
"In general, Unesco must constantly be testing its policies against the touchstone of evolutionary progress. A central conflict of our times is that between nationalism and internationalism, between the concept of many national sovereignties and one world sovereignty...  
"The moral of Unesco is clear. The task laid upon it of promoting peace and security can never be wholly realized through the means assigned to it - education, science and culture. It must envisage some form of world political unity, whether through a single world government or otherwise...However, world political unity is, unfortunately, a remote ideal, and in any case does not fall within the field of Unesco's competence. This does not mean that Unesco cannot do a great deal towards promoting peace and security. Specifically, in its educational program it can stress the ultimate need for world political unity and familiarize all peoples with the implications of the transfer of full sovereignty from separate nations to a world organization." (Julian Huxley, UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its Philosophy, (Washington, DC: Public Affairs Press, 1947) p.13)
Back in 1968, UNESCO, along with The Twentieth Century Fund (now called The Century Foundation) and the Ford Foundation, helped start a new educational body located in Geneva, Switzerland; the International Baccalaureate Organization. (See "Founding Donors" at the IBO's webpage, www.ibo.org )

Originally, the IBO was established to provide a common educational basis for international students that would be acceptable to universities around the world. With this in mind, IBO curriculum has, for over 35 years, emphasized that its students broaden their understanding of various cultures, languages, and points of view.

Understanding others points of view, cultures and languages is, in itself, a noble task - it's something that I work at pursuing and instilling within my own children and in myself. But underlining IBO's philosophy is something deeper; according to George Walker, the Director General at IBO:
"International education offers people a state of mind: international-mindedness. You've got to change people's thinking." (IBO Background Paper - Themes in Education, Education Weaves Together the Threads of Peace, IBO Head Office, Geneva, Switzerland, 15 June, 2003 (p. 2)
"students develop an awareness of moral and ethical issues and a sense of social responsibility... fostered by examining local and global issues." (See "The Six Academic Subjects" at the IBO webpage, www.ibo.org )
This is not simply ambiguous language. In advancing the international-mindedness of IBO, the organization has endorsed the Earth Charter - an earth-centered declaration which venerates global political-ethical-moral and spiritual unification. Some, such as Mikhail Gorbachev, have gone so far as to compare the Earth Charter with "those 10 or 15 Commandments which we all know about...those famous testaments..." (Mikhail Gorbachev, "The Earth Charter," Speech: Rio+5 Forum, March 18, 1997. Green Cross International webpage, www.gci/ch/GreenCrossFamily/gorby/newspeeches/speeches/spech18.3.97.html This particular website was moved to http://web243.petrel.ch/GreenCrossFamily/gcfamilyhp.html and Mr. Gorbachev's speech can be read at
http://web243.petrel.ch/GreenCrossFamily/gorby/newspeeches/speeches/speech18.3.97.html. See Gary Kah's book, The New World Religion (Noblesville, IN: Hope International Publishing, 1999), chapter six.  Note: As of recent, these links are no longer accessible!

Providing the Earth Charter initiative with advanced support, the International Baccalaureate Organization has agreed to become an Earth Charter  partnership entity, along with such groups as the Association of World Citizens, Friends of the Earth, Global People's Assembly, Rain Forest Action Network, the US branch of the United Nations Association, and the World Parliament of Religions. (See "Our Partners" at the Earth Charter Community Summits webpage, www.earthchartersummits.org ) Furthermore, IBO Deputy Director General, Ian Hill, sits on the Earth Charter Initiative Education Advisory Committee.

Propagating this new global "testament," IBO is currently looking at ways to incorporate the  Earth Charter  into the following curriculum areas; Theory of Knowledge, Environmental Systems, Environmental Science, Technology and Social Change, Peace and Conflict Studies, Experimental Science, Philosophy, Geography, History, Math, and the Arts. (See "Educational Resources" at the  Earth Charter  Community Summits webpage, www.earthchartersummits.org )

None of this would be very remarkable if the IBO were a small entity stuffed somewhere in a forgotten corner of the world - but it's not. Presently, almost 1,300 schools around the globe are authorized to offer IBO programs. And in the United States and Canada, close to 650 schools are tied in to the IBO, with 473 in the US. Adding to this, the IBO is linked into a number of United Nations' functions beyond the UN inspired  Earth Charter  and UNESCO - where it holds a special consultative status. Examples of this UN partnering includes: preparatory work for the UN's World Summit on Sustainable Development, activities within a number of UN International Schools, and involvement with a variety of United Nations Model programs. The work of the IBO at the World Summit on Sustainable Development was published by the International Institute for Sustainable Development,  Earth Negotiations Bulletin, Special Report on Selected Side Events at WSSD PC-III, 25 March - 5 April, 2002. The other connections can be easily found by doing a basic web search on the IBO and the United Nations.

Funding for the body also reflects this global-local-global approach. During the month of October, 2003, in a monetary show of support, the US Department of Education awarded the IBO a grant of $1.17 million. According to the IBO press release, these US taxpayer funds were to be specifically channeled into setting up IBO programs "in six middle and high school partnerships in disadvantaged areas in Massachusetts, New York and Arizona." (IBO Press Release, "US Department of Education Grants IBO US$1.17 Million," IBO Head Office, Geneva, Switzerland, 14 October 2003)

Additional funding for the IBO has come from 14 other major national governments, including the United Kingdom, Japan, and Canada. Monies have also been funneled in through contributions from the Goldman Sachs Foundation, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the US Agency for International Development, the Armand Hammer Foundation and the Armand Hammer United World College, the United Nations International School, the New York Times Foundation, Gulf Canada, the IBM World Trade Organization, and many others. Obviously, incorporating a global mind-change educational agenda carries a hefty price tag - and it's no surprise that heavy financial hitters are involved in the play. (See "Founding Donors" at the IBO's webpage, www.ibo.org [accessed February 18, 2004], it contains a list of other contributors and regular funding partners)

Progressing the idea of an international educational platform, Professor Azim Nanji, Director of the Institute of Ismaili Studies, delivered a speech to the International Baccalaureate Organization on May 5th, 2003, stating that we need to see things in broader terms than just nation-states and western liberal democracy. Additionally, he stated that when people's religious beliefs become a vehicle for political and social agendas, it's an abuse of religion. ("IIS Director Delivers 2003 Peterson Lecture," June 2003, document from the Institute of Ismaili Studies)

In 1989, Robert Muller received the UNESCO Peace Education Prize for his work in developing a World Core Curriculum. Frederico Mayor, the Director-General of UNESCO at the time, praised Muller as an "innovator in education" and gave accolades for Muller's book New Genesis: Shaping a Global Spirituality, saying that it:
"offers the world a blueprint for a new, spiritual vision of human destiny." (Excerpt from the address by Mr. Federico Mayor, Director-General of UNESCO, 20 September 1989. Reprinted in Robert Muller's book, Dialogues of Hope (Ardsley, NY: World Happiness and Cooperation, 1990), p. 172)
Yes it does! According to New Genesis:
"...humankind is seeking no less than its reunion with the "divine," its transcendence into ever higher forms of life. Hindus call our earth Brahma, or God, for they rightly see no difference between our earth and the divine. This ancient simple truth is slowly dawning again upon humanity. Its full flowering will be the real, great new story of humanity, as we are about to enter our cosmic age and to become what we were always meant to be: the planet of God." (Robert Muller, New Genesis: Shaping a Global Spirituality (Anacortes, WA: World Happiness and Cooperation, 1982), p. 49)
Predictably, Muller's World Core Curriculum follows this New Genesis -New Age vein. In fact, Muller's World Core Curriculum is really more of a philosophy of education than an actual curriculum - a philosophy firmly grounded in New Age concepts of man's deification and "Earth spirituality." Bridging all of this, Muller explains:
"Yes, global education must transcend material, scientific and intellectual achievements and reach deliberately into the moral and spiritual spheres."
Why? According to Muller:
"We must manage our globe so as to permit the endless stream of humans admitted to the miracle of life to fulfill their lives physically, mental, morally and spiritually as has never been possible before in our entire evolution. Global education must prepare our children for the coming of an independent...happy planetary age."
Lucile Green, a long-time world government activist and friend of Robert Muller, describes this new "planetary age" in her memoir, Journey To A Governed World:
"The most urgent item on the planetary agenda is to set the limits of freedom and order in supra-national, global affairs. A constitution for the world is needed which combines the achievements of both hemispheres: that is, constitutional limitations and a bill of rights from the West and a spacious world-view from the East." (Lucile Green, Journey To A Governed World: Thru 50 Years in the Peace Movement (Berkeley, CA: 1991), pp. 34-35)
Another contemporary of Muller, William D. Hitt, wrote in his book The Global Citizen:
"As global citizens, we will need a new type of thinking." (William D. Hitt, The Global Citizen (Columbus, OH: Battelle Press, 1998), p.110)
This is the crux of global social change: a "new type of thinking" that bridges international education, global ethics, world political unity, and the emergence of a "planetary spirituality." It is the desire to shape and mold man according to man's image. It is the desire to re-cast history and human endeavor to conform with a centralized-utopian version of a "world society" - a society shaped by propaganda, planetary-correctness, and a faulty and exalted image of man and nature. And finally, when contemplating the move towards this world society and the propaganda role of "international education," consider the words of Scott Nearing, an avid socialist and proponent of world government:
"The conversion of a continent of localists into a continent of nationalists in a few generations must rank as one of the outstanding achievements of modern times. Indoctrination works. Human loyalties can be and are speedily shifted by experience coupled with propaganda...
"Worldizing processes are building up a great number and variety of world experiences. Millions of human beings, responding to these experiences, are already world conscious, world minded and prepared to function as citizens in a world society. Such human beings have passed through and graduated from the school of nationalism. They are wordlists. They wait with impatience for the emergence of a world commonwealth." (Scott Nearing, United World (New York: Island Press, 1944), pp. 20-21)
In closing:
As the line between education, "political correctness," and propaganda becomes increasingly blurred, it is essential that we navigate this global maze with wisdom, discernment, clear thinking, and an understanding of the forces that are shaping our 21st century world.

Keep looking up and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ while there is still time… Hallelujah and Maranatha – come quickly Lord Jesus!

Blessings on your studies and involvement in understanding and sharing the Truth!

If you have been blessed by this message or have a specific question, prayer request or testimony, please send me a note to: encouragingconcepts@live.com

I love hearing from you.  Keep reading Encouraging Concepts!
Shane K. Morin <><
Encouraging Concepts
Truth for Today
"Living Life From a Biblical Worldview"

Lighthouse Publications <>< 
"Dedicated to the Never Ending Search for the Creator's calling within You" (TM)

Friday, August 10, 2012

If I Were the Devil...‏

Hello friends!

In the realm of the many false ideas and their consequences in today’s world, I find the following commentary from legendary radio broadcaster, the late Paul Harvey quite apropos and fitting. Mr. Harvey had a unique gift of explaining the important issues of our day with clear and concise accuracy. In one of his articles entitled "If I were the devil," he shared his wit and understanding of the times in which we live…
If I Were the Devil...

If I were the devil I’d want to engulf the whole world in darkness. I’d have a third of its real estate and four fifths of its population. But I wouldn’t be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree...

So I’d set about however necessary, to take over the United States. I’d subvert the churches first. I’d begin with a campaign of whispers. With the wisdom of a serpent I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve, “Do as you please.” To the young I would whisper that the Bible is a myth. I would convince them that man created God, instead of the other way around. I would confide that what’s bad is good, and what’s good is square. And the old I would teach to pray after me, “our father which art in Washington...”

 And then I’d get organized: I’d educate authors in how to make lurid literature exciting so that anything else would appear dull and uninteresting. I’d threaten TV with dirtier movies, and visa-versa. I’d peddle narcotics to whom ever I could. I’d sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction. I’d tranquilize the rest with pills.

If I were the devil I’d soon have families at war with themselves; churches at war with themselves; and nations at war with themselves; until each in its turn was consumed. And with promises of higher ratings, I’d have mesmerizing media fanning the flames.

 If I were the devil I would encourage schools to refine young intellect, but neglect to discipline emotions; just let those run wild, until before you knew it, you’d have to have drug-sniffing dogs and metal detectors at every schoolhouse door.

 Within a decade I’d have prisons overflowing; I’d have judges promoting pornography. Soon I could evict God from the courthouse, then from the schoolhouse, and then from the houses of Congress. And in His own churches I would substitute psychology for religion and deify science. I would lure priests and pastors into misusing boys and girls—and church money.

 If I were the devil I’d make the symbol of Easter an egg, and the symbol of Christmas a bottle.

 If I were the devil I’d take from those who have, and give to those who want it, until I had killed the incentive of the ambitious. And what’ll you bet I couldn’t get whole states to promote gambling as the way to get rich.

I would caution against extremes, and hard work, and patriotism, and moral conduct. I would convince the young that marriage is old fashioned—that swinging is much more fun. That what you see on TV is the way to live. And thus I could undress you in public, and I could lure you into bed with diseases for which there is no cure.

In other words, if I were the devil I would keep things just the way they are.

Paul Harvey, March 16, 1993

Keep looking up and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ while there is still time… Hallelujah and Maranatha – come quickly Lord Jesus!

Blessings on your studies and involvement in understanding and sharing the Truth!

If you have been blessed by this message or have a specific question, prayer request or testimony, please send me a note to: encouragingconcepts@live.com

I love hearing from you.  Keep reading Encouraging Concepts!
Shane K. Morin <><
Encouraging Concepts
Truth for Today
"Living Life From a Biblical Worldview"

Lighthouse Publications <>< 
"Dedicated to the Never Ending Search for the Creator's calling within You" (TM)