
Friday, September 27, 2013

Codex Sinaiticus: Correct or Corrupt?‏

Hello Friends!

With its some 23,000 edits and corrections – approximately 30 per page – textual critics hold in high regard and utilize the Codex Sinaiticus – calling it the “oldest” Bible – to argue that the Holy Scriptures cannot be the inspired word of God. But where did this manuscript actually come from? Can it be trusted? Is it theologically sound? 

Let’s investigate these claims and decide for yourself…
Codex Sinaiticus: Correct or Corrupt?

Since its discovery in 1859, it has been surrounded by suspicion and debate, as the critical text defenders have begun to challenge the story of Constantine Simonides, who claimed a German scholar named Constantin von Tischendorf created the Codex Sinaiticus in 1840. Against them are the defenders of the traditional Greek text of the Protestant Reformation, who are challenging the credibility of the Codex Sinaiticus, and whether or not it should have been entered into the Biblical record.  But… Why?

Dr. Scot McKendrick of the British Library in London claims:
"This [Codex Sinaiticus] is the ancestor of all the Bibles that everbody else has in the world”
In the 19th century, a revolution in biblical scholarship was prompted by the publication of a never-before-seen manuscript called Codex Sinaiticus. The work was allegedly “discovered” by a German scholar named Constantin von Tischendorf, who declared this to be the oldest Bible ever found. Tischendorf said he found the work in a rubbish basket at a Greek Orthodox monastery in Egypt. While many in the academic world did not fully believe his story, they were willing to accept his claims about the antiquity of the codex itself. 
Yet shortly after his “discovery” was published, a renowned Greek paleographer named Constantine Simonides came forward and declared that the manuscript was no ancient text at all, but had been created by Tischendorf himself in 1840. The controversy surrounding these events is perhaps the most incredible untold chapter in Bible history. It involves Jesuit Order, the Pope, a high-minded German, a committee of Anglo Romanists and a mysterious Greek patriot for the sole purpose of discrediting the Reformers doctrine of Sola Scriptura and denouncing the Holy Scriptures as the divinely inspired, inerrant and perfect Word of God. While quite true and well documented, these facts are unknown to a vast majority of modern academics of today. Yet this subject matter dramatically impacts the world of Biblical scholarship – even to this present hour. Most of what today’s Bible scholars learn and believe about manuscript evidence is based on the events of this era – and the footnotes in your Bible are the proof of it!
Discovered at the base of what is called Mount Sinai in Egypt, this curious codex emerged in the year 1859 and would dramatically transform the field of Biblical scholarship. Because of Codex Sinaiticus, the traditional Koine Greek text (Byzantine Text) used by the English Reformers would be questioned – and ultimately replaced – by “scholars” Wescott and Hort in 1881. But were these events the conclusion of an honest discovery? Or were they contrived to undermine the truth?
Much extensive research into the discovery of the Sinai codex and the controversial claim of Greek paleographer Costandine Simonides reveals that the manuscript was indeed a modern work that Tischendorf created in 1840. Is it possible that Mr. Simonides was telling the truth?
While most modern scholars have been led to believe that the controversy over Simonides’ story was settled in the nineteenth century, it is important to consider that there were those who disagreed. One such person was John Eliot Hodgkin, curator of the Mayer Museum in Liverpool London, whose writing collection is still housed at the British Library. Hodgkin was a zealous defender of Simonides, who stood by him until death. Also among them was renowned scholar James A. Farrer who published his classic work, Literary Forgeries in 1907. Of all the historians who have written on this matter, we believe Mr. Farrer to be the most thorough. After examining the details of the Simonides affair, he wrote:
It is to be regretted that this matter was never cleared up at the time the claim was made.  It cannot be said to have been settled by the mere opinions of Tregelles or Bradshaw, or by the more critical and palaeographical objections urged by Mr. Scrivener…. On the side of Simonides is his unlimited skill in calligraphy; the very audacity of such a claim if entirely baseless; the remarkable presence in the Codex of a portion of the Shepherd of Hermas, which Simonides was the first scholar ever to have seen in Greek; the very natural allusions to the work in the lithographed letters (sent by a friend of Simonides years before the controversy); the fact that no visitor to the monastery at Mount Sinai before 1844 had ever seen or heard of such a work as belonging to the monks; and the very extraordinary story told by Tischendorf of his discovery and acquisition of the Codex.  The question therefore, pending the acquisition of further evidence, must remain among the interesting but unsolved mysteries of literature.  (“Literary Forgeries” by James A. Farrer - 1907, pp. 64-65, emphasis added)
Notice that Farrer refers to the issue as one of the unsolved mysteries of literature nearly fifty years after these events happened. This is something that is not taught at many Bible colleges today. However, it is our desire to alert the Church to these very important issues for edification and that the faith of the Gospel of Jesus Christ might be better defended. It is important to remember that the Codex Sinaiticus is used by higher critics to undermine and discredit the Bible. Not just the King James Bible, but any Bible. Therefore, having a true and accurate history of the codex is very important for the Church today!

To learn more about the men mentioned above – Tregelles, Bradshaw & Scrivenerwe here at Encouraging Concepts recommend viewing the excellent film by Christian J. Pinto "Tares Among the Wheat" where the role of these historic figures is explained in great depth and detail.

Also, to understand what is meant about how Codex Sinaiticus is used to discredit the Bible, we highly recommend viewing this seven minute clip from the BBC documentary – “The Beauty of Books: Ancient Bibles, the Codex Sinaiticus

Other important facts, facets and inquiries to consider in this discussion – among others – are:
  • How Codex Sinaiticus changed the world's view of the Bible
  • How the manuscript was used to "confirm" the Vatican's Bible -- Codex Vaticanus
  • The scholars Westcott and Hort plan to create a new Greek Bible
  • The story of Simonides – in his own words
  • How Tischendorf accused Simonides of forgery – and later recanted
  • Tischendorf's relationship with Rome
  • How the details given by Simonides are confirmed by the manuscript evidence
  • The mention of worm holes and why they may be significant
  • The names of Simonides' helpers found in the manuscript
  • Special markings discovered in 2007 that may be from Simonides
  • Was Simonides really a forger or was he falsely accused?
The situation seems to parallel what happened to the 16th century scholar, Joseph Justus Scaliger. Mr. Scaliger was the father of developing a system of chronology for history, but some of his interpretations of historic documents put him at odds with the Catholic and Jesuit scholars. Mr. Scaliger would soon be attacked and discredited by the Jesuits as a result. Could this be proof that similar tactics were employed by Rome against Constantine Simonides? It is indeed.
What is our source of authority? Man’s opinion or the inspired, inerrant and all-sufficient Word of God? The Holy Scriptures are what God says – religion is what man says God says… AMEN!
In Closing:

We draw your attention to the following comment from the British Library’s website (official site for the Codex Sinaiticus manuscript) where they discuss the history of the codex. While many others believe that what happened in the 19th century is fully known and agreed upon, this quote proves that such is simply not the case. Remember: The Codex Sinaiticus website represents the most up to date information on the codex and its history…
According to the British Library, we are told that:
“… events concerning the history of the Codex Sinaiticus, from 1844 to this very day, are not fully known; hence, they are susceptible to widely divergent interpretations and recountings that are evaluated differently as to their form and essence.”
Notice how they tell us that the events are “not fully known” and aresusceptible to widely divergent interpretations.”  We would certainly agree that this is true!

May the Lord Jesus Christ open the eyes of the lost naturally and spiritually before it is too late…
Keep looking up and sharing the Gospel while there is still time… Hallelujah and Maranatha – come quickly Lord Jesus!

We are not guaranteed tomorrow – tomorrow may be too late! If you haven't yet made that most important decision of your life, won't you make Jesus Christ your personal Lord and Savior today - before it's too late? Today is the day of Salvation!

If you have been blessed by this message or have a specific question, prayer request or testimony, please send me a note to: encouragingconcepts@live.com

I love hearing from you. Keep reading Encouraging Concepts!

Shane K. Morin <><

Encouraging Concepts
Truth for Today
"Living Life From a Biblical Worldview"

Lighthouse Publications <><
"Dedicated to the Never Ending Search for the Creator's calling within You" (TM)

Friday, September 20, 2013

Bruce Metzger: Icon of Textual Criticism

Hello Friends!

Princeton Theological seminary professor, Bruce Metzger is said to have been "the greatest American New Testament critic and biblical translator of the twentieth century." Mr. Metzger is quoted by modern biblical scholars more than perhaps any other single source, being considered the final authority on matters of textual criticism by many in the academic world. 

So, what is textual criticism? Is it really that big of a deal? Who is Bruce Metzger and why should Bible believing Christians be concerned about the answers to these vitally important questions? Let's take a closer look at these and other concerns and decide for yourself...

Bruce Metzger: Icon of Textual Criticism

What exactly did Bruce Metzger (1914-2007) believe about the Bible? Was it his opinion that the Bible is the inspired Word of God? Or a collection of myths and legends? And what sort of impact has his contribution had on the true Christian Church in our time?
The following comments are from an official ecumenical Biography of Mr. Metzger from the Society of Biblical Literature:
Bruce M. Metzger is the George L. Collord Professor of New Testament Language and Literature Emeritus at Princeton Theological Seminary. A past president of the Society of Biblical Literature and the Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas, he has made valuable contributions to the areas of textual criticism, philology, paleography, and translation.
He took great satisfaction in the expansion of the NRSV to include all the texts viewed as canonical by Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox, and Protestant Christians, and was pleased to present copies of it to both Pope John Paul II and His All Holiness Demetrios.
Most widely influential is his handbook on The Text of the New Testament (1964; translations include German, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Italian, and Russian; 3d, enl. ed. 1992; 4th ed. with Bart Ehrman, 2005), from which multiple generations of textual critics learned their craft...
The Holy Scriptures ensure us that a man is blessed if he does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly:
Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful; but his delight is in the law of the Lord and in His law he meditates day and nightPsalm 1:1
Mr. Metzger's modernism was also made plain in the notes to the New Oxford Annotated Bible RSV (1973). Metzger co-edited this volume with Herbert May. It first appeared in 1962 as the Oxford Annotated Bible and was the first Protestant annotated edition of the Bible to be approved by a Roman Catholic authority. It was given an imprimatur in 1966 by Cardinal Cushing, Archbishop of Boston, Massachusetts. Metzger wrote many of the rationalistic notes in this volume and put has editorial stamp of approval on the rest. Consider some excerpts from these notes from Mr. Metzger (emphasis & brackets mine):
INTRODUCTION TO THE OLD TESTAMENT: "The Old Testament may be described as the literary expression of the religious life of ancient Israel. …The Israelites were more history-conscious than any other people in the ancient world. Probably as early as the time of David and Solomon, out of a matrix of myth, legend, and history, there had appeared the earliest written form of the story of the saving acts of God from Creation to the conquest of the Promised Land, an account which later in modified form became a part of Scripture. But it was to be a long time before the idea of Scripture arose and the Old Testament took its present form. …The process by which the Jews became 'the people of the Book' was gradual, and the development is shrouded in the mists of history and tradition
NOTES ON JOB: "The ancient folktale of a patient Job (1.1-2.13; 42.7-17; Jas. 5.11) circulated orally among oriental sages in the second millennium B.C. and was probably written down in Hebrew at the time of David and Solomon or a century later (about 1000-800 B.C.)."
NOTES ON PSALM 22: "22:12-13: ...the meaning of the third line [they have pierced my hands and feet] is obscure." [No! It is not obscure; it is a prophecy of Christ's crucifixion!]
NOTES ON JONAH: "The book is didactic narrative which has taken older material from the realm of popular legend and put it to a new, more consequential use."
INTRODUCTION TO THE NEW TESTAMENT: "Jesus himself left no literary remains; information regarding his word and works comes from his immediate followers (the apostles) and their disciples. At first this information was circulated orally. As far as we know today, the first attempt to produce a written Gospel was made by John Mark, who according to tradition was a disciple of the Apostle Peter. This Gospel, along with a collection of sayings of Jesus and several other special sources, formed the basis of the Gospels attributed to Matthew and Luke." [The Gospels, like every part of the new Testament, were written by direct inspiration of the Holy Spirit. This nonsense of tying to find 'the original source' for the Gospels is unbelieving heresy!]
NOTES FROM "HOW TO READ THE BIBLE WITH UNDERSTANDING": "The opening chapters of the Old Testament deal with human origins. They are not to be read as history...These chapters are followed by the stories of the patriarchs, which preserve ancient traditions now known to reflect the conditions of the times of which they tell, though they cannot be treated strictly as historical. ...it is not for history but for religion that they are preserved...When we come to the books of Samuel and Kings... Not all in these books is of the same historical value, and especially in the stories of Elijah and Elisha there are legendary elements. …We should always remember the variety of literary forms found in the Bible, and should read a passage in the light of its won particular literary character. Legend should be read as legend, and poetry as poetry, and not with a dull prosaic and literalistic mind."
Bruce Metzger is a classic unbelieving Liberal. This is the same type of rationalistic wickedness that also appears in Metzger's notes in the Reader's Digest Condensed Bible. This modernistic Jesuit foolishness is of course a complete misrepresentation of the Holy, inerrant, all-sufficient and inspired Word of God. In a direct word lies. The Pentateuch the first five books of the Old Testament was written by the hand of God through Moses and was completed during the 40 years of wilderness wandering – hundreds of years before Samuel and the kings. The Old Testament did not arise gradually from a “matrix of myth and history” but is inspired revelation delivered to holy men of old by the Almighty Creator God Himself! The Jews were a "people of the book" from the perfect will of God. The Jewish nation did not form the Bible – the Bible formed the Jewish nation!
In Metzger's "introduction to the New Testament" in the New Oxford Annotated Bible, he completely ignores the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and claims that the Gospels are composed of material gathered from oral tradition. The Bible says nothing about this, but Jesus Christ plainly tells us that the Holy Spirit would guide the Apostles into all truth:
Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you. And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: of sin, because they do not believe in Me of righteousness, because I go to My Father and you see Me no more; of judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged. I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you. All things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore I said that He will take of Mine and declare it to you – John 16:7-15
The Word of God is the product of Divine Revelation not some happenstance editing of oral tradition!
Is it possible that the Church in America has suffered for following the counsel of unbelieving, ecumenical academia know as “Textual Criticism” by such men as Mr. Metzger and Bart Ehrman?
May the Lord Jesus Christ open the eyes of the lost naturally and spiritually before it is too late…
Keep looking up and sharing the Gospel while there is still time… Hallelujah and Maranatha – come quickly Lord Jesus!

We are not guaranteed tomorrow – tomorrow may be too late! If you haven't yet made that most important decision of your life, won't you make Jesus Christ your personal Lord and Savior today - before it's too late? Today is the day of Salvation!

If you have been blessed by this message or have a specific question, prayer request or testimony, please send me a note to: encouragingconcepts@live.com

I love hearing from you. Keep reading Encouraging Concepts!

Shane K. Morin <><

Encouraging Concepts
Truth for Today
"Living Life From a Biblical Worldview"

Lighthouse Publications <><
"Dedicated to the Never Ending Search for the Creator's calling within You" (TM)

Friday, September 13, 2013

More Papal Issues‏

Hello Friends!

In recent EC articles concerning Pope Francis and his “stance” on various issues such as Purgatory, Atheists and eternal salvation, we provided much information and sources regarding the shocking and amazing stances taken by this pontifical ruler in his short time as the new Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. 

As for abortion, although Mr. Francis hasn’t declared his “approval” of abortion or taken a pro-choice stance per-se’ it is his “silence” on the matter that is concerning – even to many Catholics I have spoken with as well. Mr. Francis has confirmed that he has “nothing to say” about abortion because the Roman Catholic Church teachings against it are clear and that it is time for "positive" news. This is classic Jesuit dialectic rhetoric. We’ll have to keep a close watch on this issue and see what else transpires.
This Pope is making statements that do not even agree with what the Church of Rome proclaims…

More Papal Issues

This “new” Pope is turning out to be one of the most controversial popes in modern history. It may indeed be due to his unique, first time ever Papal-Jesuit held office. Mr. Francis’s recent heresies not only suppress the truth of God's Word, but also oppose the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church itself. However, this makes for a wonderful opportunity to engage confused and troubled Roman Catholics with the true Biblical Gospel of Jesus Christ – the one and only Head of the church.
That said, here are a few concerns one should consider when following this man and trusting in him with their eternal souls:
Pope Francis is working with the Coptic Orthodox Church Pope Tawadros II on advancing ecumenicalism. Recently, the Pope Canonized 800 Beheaded by Muslims... But what about his concern for the 50 million Bible-believing Christians the Church of Rome has martyred simply for believing the Word of God over bowing the knee to the papal religious system? 
Pope Francis on gays: “Who am I to Judge Pope Francis said that he will not "judge" gays and lesbians, including gay priests, signaling a shift from his predecessor and offering another sign that the new pope is committed to changing the church's approach to historically marginalized groups. If the Pope is indeed the Vicar of Christ and final authority on all issues of morals, etc., isn’t then HIS job to judge? This “doctrine” is very hypocritical – and confusing.
Finally, the most disgusting point yet to come from the Vatican – in which our comments will be a bit more extensive…
Pope Francis has passed a new law in Rome that criminalizes the reporting of sex crimes in the Vatican. The Vatican has just found a way to make it illegal to report sexual abuse, and found a conniving way to do it without the general public noticing. According to the IB Times it was highlighted in a revealing article from July 20, detailing how few eyebrows were raised when Francis brought the Vatican’s legal system up to date by criminalizing leaks of official information and formalizing laws against sex crimes. But now that the laws have been made public, a closer look revealed that the pope has made it illegal to report sex crimes against children. 
According to the new laws, revealing or receiving confidential Vatican information is now punishable by up to two years in prison, while newly defined sex crimes against children carry a sentence of up to twelve years. Because all sex crimes are kept confidential, there is no longer a legal way for Vatican officials to report sex crimes. Vatican foreign minister Monsignor Dominique Mamberti claims that the simultaneous passing of each law is merely a coincidence and insisted that the Catholic Church is not trying to protect itself against further embarrassment, but I highly doubt that! The Catholic Church wants to impress the world by appearing to get tough on sex crimes, but they criminalized leaks, which is the only way anybody would ever discover their crimes. It’s genius – and evil – if one will only stop and think about it.
Most people are also not aware of the crimens sollicitiationis order that the Vatican has had in place for decades to protect pederast priests. We invite our dear readers to read this detailed document on how each archdiocese worldwide has been instructed to silence the victims and to protect the criminal priest – at all costs. You can view an English version of this Latin Document here. The folks with Protect Your Children and VaticanCrimes.com invites anyone who is interested to check out evidence of the over 10 million crimes worldwide by the Catholic Church here: http://jh.to/organizedcrime
In closing:
We are not seeking to be unkind, condemning or disrespectful to our Catholic friends in any way. We only seek to expose error whenever it is present. Yes, this too INCLUDES the endless heresy within MANY Protestant/”Evangelical” Churches as well!

Do you recall what Paul said would happen to the early Christian church?
Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them - Acts 20:28-30
 A brief overview of church history reveals Paul’s prophetic warning was fulfilled and continues to be fulfilled today. Numerous church leaders emerged during the first to the third centuries. The foundational principles of the Scriptures were ignored and many followed the experiential teachings of men who claimed they had discovered new and innovative methods to get in touch with God - outside the bounds of the Word of God...
May the Lord Jesus Christ open the eyes of the lost naturally and spiritually before it is too late…
Keep looking up and sharing the Gospel while there is still time… Hallelujah and Maranatha – come quickly Lord Jesus!

We are not guaranteed tomorrow – tomorrow may be too late! If you haven't yet made that most important decision of your life, won't you make Jesus Christ your personal Lord and Savior today - before it's too late? Today is the day of Salvation!

If you have been blessed by this message or have a specific question, prayer request or testimony, please send me a note to: encouragingconcepts@live.com

I love hearing from you. Keep reading Encouraging Concepts!

Shane K. Morin <><

Encouraging Concepts
Truth for Today
"Living Life From a Biblical Worldview"

Lighthouse Publications <><
"Dedicated to the Never Ending Search for the Creator's calling within You" (TM)

Friday, September 6, 2013

Wild Goose Festival: A One World Church?‏

Hello Friends!

The third annual 2013 Wild Goose Festival was attended by some 2,000 people last month in North Carolina and was focused on "unity" through social action - A.K.A. Social Justice. What was it all about? Let's take a quick look at some of the details...

Wild Goose Festival: A One World Church?

Some of the speakers included at this Wild Goose Festival were Emergent Church - “progressives” - such as:
  • Phyllis Tickle
  • Brian McLaren
  • Philip Yancy
  • Frank Schaeffer
These speakers represented “Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant and Muslim.” In attendance were Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Baptists, and others. The four main elements that are uniting progressives and evangelicals, liberals and “conservatives,” Catholics and Protestants, Christians and non-Christians are:
  • Kingdom building/Dominion Theology (saving the planet, disarmament, eliminating poverty)
  • Downplaying the importance of Biblical Doctrine
  • Contemporary/Secular music
  • Contemplative Prayer
And thus creating the end-time one-world “church” prophesied in the Scriptures.

Eric Elnes, one of the Wild Goose speakers said:
“Christians from different  denominations and cultural backgrounds begin to see that theology becomes less important than the relationships necessary for addressing social challenges” - So Many Baptists at Wild Goose,” Associated Baptist Press, Aug. 9, 2013
Phyllis Tickle, one of the founders of Wild Goose, rejoices that evangelicals, charismatics, Protestants, and Catholics are merging:
“Where the quadrants meet in the center there’s a vortex like a whirlpool and they are blending” - “The Future of the Emerging Church” - Leadership Magazine, Mar. 19, 2007
These people are not merely changing doctrines - they are changing gods! This is evident by the popularity of The Shack, which presents God as a non-judgmental woman.

Sarah Cunningham, another Wild Goose speaker this year, concluded her talk with a prayer to:
“the God of the evangelicals and the progressives and everyone in between”
But God is not the god in a redemption sense of those who deny or downplay the necessity of the blood atonement and the new birth, doubt the divine inspiration of Scripture, and corrupt the doctrines of the New Testament faith. These are spiritual high crimes in which Phyllis Tickle, Brian McLaren, and many other Wild Goose participants are guilty of as well documented in the book What Is the Emerging Church?

Tickle says that the doctrine of “sola scriptura” is outdated and must be left behind -
The Great Emergence, pp. 47, 151.

McLaren says the Bible is:
“not a look-it-up encyclopedia of moral truths”
And he has:
“a strong conviction that the exclusive, hell-oriented gospel is not the way forward” - A Generous Orthodoxy, p. 190 and p. 120, f. 48
McLaren’s objective is not to preach the gospel to lost sinners before it is too late; his objective is:
“about changing this world” - Everything Must Change, p. 23
McLaren wrote a glowing recommendation of Alan Jones’ book Reimagining Christianity, in which Jones calls the gospel of the cross a vile doctrine, claims that there is no objective authority, and says that Hindus and Buddhists are God’s people.

It is a fact that Buddhists and Hindus practice the same contemplative prayer methodology as a means of getting into an altered state of consciousness. My question is simply this: Should Christians embrace the same methods used by pagans to get with God? The Bible is clear – No! What god will they get in touch with?
We must heed these words from the Prophet Jeremiah to the people he was called to warn:
And the Lord said to me, “A conspiracy has been found among the men of Judah and among the inhabitants of Jerusalem. They have turned back to the iniquities of their forefathers who refused to hear My words, and they have gone after other gods to serve them; the house of Israel and the house of Judah have broken My covenant which I made with their fathers. Therefore thus says the Lord: “Behold, I will surely bring calamity on them which they will not be able to escape; and though they cry out to Me, I will not listen to them” Jeremiah 11:9-11
Do you see the desperate need for Jeremiah’s message today? Being led away from God and His Word by seducing spirits and doctrines of demons is a serious offense.

The Emerging Church Movement presently underway is riddled with teachings that contradict God’s Word. The supporters of this movement may be sincere in their efforts to reinvent Christianity for the sake of reaching this generation by making the “narrow way” a “wide way” as spoken of by Jesus Himself:
Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it – Matthew 7:13-14
It’s time to wake up Bible-believing Christians... or we will suffer the dire consequences!
More information: Friday Church News Notes, August 16, 2013, www.wayoflife.org fbns@wayoflife.org

Keep looking up and sharing the Gospel while there is still time… Hallelujah and Maranatha – come quickly Lord Jesus!

We are not guaranteed tomorrow – tomorrow may be too late! If you haven't yet made that most important decision of your life, won't you make Jesus Christ your personal Lord and Savior today - before it's too late? Today is the day of Salvation!

If you have been blessed by this message or have a specific question, prayer request or testimony, please send me a note to: encouragingconcepts@live.com

I love hearing from you. Keep reading Encouraging Concepts!

Shane K. Morin <><

Encouraging Concepts
Truth for Today
"Living Life From a Biblical Worldview"

Lighthouse Publications <><
"Dedicated to the Never Ending Search for the Creator's calling within You" (TM)