
Friday, November 30, 2012

Evangelism: Faithful Fathers or Big-Tents?

Hello Friends!

As we move further into cultural and spiritual chaos in America, I believe that we as Christian parents are presented with the greatest evangelistic opportunity within the Church today – the salvation of millions of children and young adults under the evangelistic and discipleship ministry of fathers and mothers in the home. This is perhaps the most neglected mission field set before the Church in our modern time…

Evangelism: Faithful Fathers or Big-Tents?

The Bible calls parents to raise their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord and more specifically – fathers. We as Christian fathers are called in the Scriptures to preach the Gospel to our children every day:
…when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down and when you rise up – Deuteronomy 6:7
We as fathers are to pass on the knowledge of God to the next generation. We are commanded to expose our children day by day to the greatness of God, the perfections of His ways and the wonderful stories that explain His character and nature. This kind of instruction gives children a true understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Faithful Fathers Flourish
Consider the example of the faithful father: Daily, he praises God to his children with hundreds of words and practical principles. Day after day, he cries out to them, explaining the stories that glorify the kindness and love of God, His wrath toward sinners and His vanquishing power over all things. In doing so, he reflects the heart of the Heavenly Father who cries out:
Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion… – Hebrews 3:7-8
In turn, his children observe their father as he personally delights in the Word of God and places himself under its wonderful teaching. The children behold how good and mighty God is and how foolish it is to turn away from Him. They witness first hand in how their daddy is submitted, conformed and confronted by the Word of God and is changed and transformed by its power right before their eyes! As a first-generation Christian father, I have personally cried out to the Lord that He would help me to make this a reality in my own family. Although I have not always done this perfectly – by a long shot – the grace of God continues to amaze and humble me as I seek His face, His will and His ways for my life and family –thank you Jesus!
Submitted under this kind of loving and committed ministry, our children will hear the whole counsel of God from Genesis to Revelation. They will see the flow of human history from the Lord’s perspective. They hear of the great doctrines of the faith that have sustained humble and submitted people from one generation to the next. They observe the mighty hand of God working against all human odds. They see the beginning and end of history and where they themselves stand in its stream. They know who ultimately wins the battle. They know that nothing can stand against the will of our Sovereign Lord.
Big-Tents Fall Short
How different faithful fathers are in contrast to the sending of our children to various evangelistic crusades, concerts and big-tent events in hope that they might be saved. Some of these events may indeed be helpful. However, they do not have the spiritual impact that we as fathers have on our families and should not be the core foundation to reaching our children for Jesus Christ.
The story is all too common…
A young person attends a Christian crusade and walks down the aisle or makes a profession of faith absent of a true conversion. They go forward because they have an emotional experience or respond perhaps to peer pressure because a friend went forward – but not because they truly understand the Gospel. This is why so few who “make decisions” at evangelistic meetings ever continue in a normal Christian life. Without the background and understanding of (original) sin and repentance or the specifics of the cross of Calvary, persecution, and a life lived in Christ in which they are turning toward, they are like the seeds Jesus speaks of in Mark chapter 4. These “seeds” fell on the shallow soil, sprouted up and quickly died away because they had no root in themselves – the true, Biblical Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Sadly, our churches are filled with such young people who have “walked an aisle,” but who have never really understood the full breadth of the Gospel message. For them, the Gospel has been trivialized and reduced to simply “accepting Christ” – He may be Savior but is not the Lord of their lives.
In stark contrast to this scenario, the daily diet of a father’s Gospel teaching gives a detailed understanding of the true Gospel. It provides the full understanding as well as the context and content that is necessary in becoming a true follower of Jesus Christ.
God’s requirements for child evangelism are clear: fathers are commanded to diligently teach their children and care for their souls day by day. The sad reality of father’s lives in many modern churches is that they are satisfied with Sunday schools and evangelistic crusades – which are never mentioned in Scripture – but often reject God’s direct and undeniable commands to personally teach their children daily. This is outright rebellion against the Lord. In order to rescue this lost generation of children in Christian homes from hell, we must first help fathers understand what God has commanded and exhort them to embrace their responsibilities before the Lord. We must speak clearly of what God has mandated so that fathers do not miss the opportunity to touch the hearts of their sons and daughters with the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
A Wake Up Call!
Because fathers have failed to do their duty in discipling their children, we are quickly losing the next generation to the world. Observations from a number of studies illustrate this trend. Consider the following troubling statistics:
Researcher George Barna maintains that if current trends in the belief systems and practices of the younger generation continue, in ten years, church attendance will be half the size it is today – (George Barna, Revolution, pages 48-49).
Dawson MacAlister, national youth ministry specialist, remarked that 90 percent of youth active in high school church programs drop out of church by the time they are sophomores in college – (Reggie McNeal, The Present Future, page 4).
Data from the Southern Baptist Convention indicates that we are currently losing 70-88 percent of our youth after their freshman year in college. In a report to the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee, T.C. Pinkney observed that 70 percent of teenagers involved in church youth groups stop attending church within two years of their high school graduation – (T.C. Pinkney, remarks to the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee, Nashville, Tennessee, September 18, 2001).
The Southern Baptist Council on Family Life reported an even more staggering statistic: 88 percent of the children in evangelical homes leave church at the age of 18 (Southern Baptist Council on Family Life report to Annual Meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention, 2002).
The Age of Understanding
While church attendance is one barometer for generational continuity for the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the church, another study points to a more fundamental problem. Thom Rainer, Professor at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary School of Evangelism, launched a survey that he hoped would tell him if people understood the Gospel. In response to his survey questions, the following percentages of people answered in a way that would indicate they were born again Christians:
  • Born before 1946 = 65 percent
  • Born between 1946 and 1964 = 35 percent
  • Born between 1965 and 1976 = 15 percent
  • Born between 1976 and 1994 = 4 percent (Reggie McNeal, The Present Future, page 4)
Of all the studies recently published, the most telling related to the father’s role in the discipleship as outlined by the Baptist Press:
If a child is the first person in the household to become a Christian, there is a 3.5 percent probability everyone in the household will follow.
If the mother is first to become a Christian, there is a 17 percent chance everyone else in the household will submit to Christ.
If the father professes Christ first, there is a 93 percent probability that everyone else in the household will heed the Gospel call! – (Polly House, “Want Your Church to Grow? Then Bring in Men”www.bpnews.net).
Fathers… Let’s Man Up!
God’s Word declares and studies affirm what this generation needs – an uprising of men committed to discipling their children. While the church in the 21st century is losing the next generation of children to worldliness, we here at Encouraging Concepts are calling fathers to return to the Biblical role as head of their household, to preach the Gospel and to make disciples of their children.
The great Messianic prophesy of Psalm 22 shows how God brings the glory of Salvation from one generation to the next through those who take seriously the charge to teach their children:
A posterity shall serve Him. It will be recounted of the Lord to the next generation, they will come and declare His righteousness to a people who will be born, that He has dome this – Psalm 22:30-31
Please pray that we as fathers would not miss the greatest untapped evangelistic opportunity set before the Church today. Let it be said of this generation of fathers that we obeyed the Lord and did our part to fulfill the Great Commission of Matthew 28 – Go and mike disciples!
Dads… Just think of the evangelistic impact we as fathers would have in our generation if we would only heed this commission from our Lord Jesus!
Keep looking up and sharing the Gospel while there is still time… Hallelujah and Maranatha – come quickly Lord Jesus!

We are not guaranteed tomorrow – tomorrow may be too late! If you haven't yet made that most important decision of your life, won't you make Jesus Christ your personal Lord and Savior today - before it's too late? Todayis the day of Salvation!

If you have been blessed by this message or have a specific question, prayer request or testimony, please send me a note to: encouragingconcepts@live.com

I love hearing from you. Keep reading Encouraging Concepts!

Shane K. Morin <><
Encouraging Concepts
Truth for Today
"Living Life From a Biblical Worldview"

Lighthouse Publications <><
"Dedicated to the Never Ending Search for the Creator's calling within You" (TM)

Friday, November 23, 2012

Six Signs of the Changing Church in America‏

Hello Friends!

Change usually happens slowly in the Church. But in the below review of the 2010 research conducted by the Barna Group, we find a detailed time-lapse portrayal of how the religious environment in America is morphing into something quite counter from its spiritual moorings. This was proved to be the case with the recent outcome of the American 2012 presidential election, in which illuminates and exposes the true flimsy spiritual condition of the majority of the evangelical church in our country. The United States of America has now officially become The Divided States of America.   

In this post-modern period of history where image is reality, and life-changing decisions are made on the basis of such images, it is believed that the Christian Church is in desperate need of a more positive and accessible “image.” The primary obstacle is not the substance of the principles on which Christianity is based. Nor is the solution found in providing an increase in preaching or in large glitzy public relations "churchianity" campaigns. The most influential aspect of Christianity in America is how believers do - or do not - implement their faith in public and private
Analyzing insights drawn from more than 5,000 non-proprietary interviews conducted during this study, George Barna indicated that the following patterns were evident in these survey findings... 

Six Signs of the Changing Church in America

American culture is driven by the snap judgments and decisions that people make amidst busy schedules and incomplete information. With little time or energy available for or devoted to research and reflection, it is people’s observations of the integration of a believer’s faith into how he or she responds to life’s opportunities and challenges that most substantially shape people’s impressions of or an interest in Christianity. Jesus frequently spoke about the importance of the fruit that emerges from a Christian life; these days the pace of life and avalanche of competing ideas underscores the significance of visible spiritual fruit as a source of cultural influence.

1. The Christian Church is becoming less theologically literate.

What used to be basic, universally-known truths about Christianity are now unknown mysteries to a large and growing share of Americans - especially young adults. For instance, Barna Group studies in 2010 showed that while most people regard Easter as a religious holiday, only a minority of adults associate Easter with the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Other examples include the finding that few adults believe that their faith is meant to be the focal point of their life or to be integrated into every aspect of their existence. Further, a growing majority believe the Holy Spirit is a symbol of God's presence or power, but not a living entity. As the two younger generations - Busters (Generation "X") and Mosaics (Born between 1984-2002) - ascend to numerical and positional supremacy in churches across the nation, the data suggest that biblical literacy is likely to decline significantly. The theological free-for-all that is encroaching in Protestant churches nationwide suggests the coming decade will be a time of unparalleled theological diversity and inconsistency.

2. Christians are becoming more ingrown and less outreach-oriented.

Despite technological advances that make communications instant and far-reaching, Christians are becoming more spiritually isolated from non-Christians than was true a decade ago. Examples of this tendency include the fact that less than one-third of born again Christians planned to invite anyone to join them at a church event during the Easter season; teenagers are less inclined to discuss Christianity with their friends than was true in the past; most of the people who become Christians these days do so in response to a personal crisis or the fear of death (particularly among older Americans); and most Americans are unimpressed with the contributions Christians and churches have made to society over the past few years. As young adults have children, the prospect of them seeking a Christian church is diminishing - especially given the absence of faith talk in their conversations with the people they most trust. With atheists becoming more strategic in championing their godless worldview, as well as the increased religious plurality driven by education and immigration, the increasing reticence of Christians to engage in faith-oriented conversations assumes heightened significance.

3. Growing numbers of people are less interested in spiritual principles and more desirous of learning pragmatic solutions for life.

When asked what matters most, teenagers prioritize education, career development, friendships, and travel. Faith is significant to them, but it takes a back seat to life accomplishments and is not necessarily perceived to affect their ability to achieve their dreams. Among adults the areas of growing importance are lifestyle comfort, success, and personal achievements. Those dimensions have risen at the expense of investment in both faith and family. The turbo-charged pace of society leaves people with little time for reflection. The deeper thinking that occurs typically relates to economic concerns or relational pressures. Spiritual practices like contemplation, solitude, silence, and simplicity are rare. (It is ironic that more than four out of five adults claim to live a simple life.) Practical to a fault, Americans consider survival in the present to be much more significant than eternal security and spiritual possibilities. Because we continue to separate our spirituality from other dimensions of life through compartmentalization, a relatively superficial approach to faith has become a central means of optimizing our life experience.

4. Among Christians, interest in participating in community action is escalating.

Largely driven by the passion and energy of young adults, Christians are more open to and more involved in community service activities than has been true in the recent past. While we remain more self-indulgent than self-sacrificing, the expanded focus on justice and service has struck a chord with many. However, despite the increased emphasis, churches run the risk of watching congregants’ engagement wane unless they embrace a strong spiritual basis for such service. Simply doing good works because it's the socially esteemed choice of the moment will not produce much staying power.

To facilitate service as a long-term way of living and to provide people with the intrinsic joy of blessing others, churches have a window of opportunity to support such action with biblical perspective. And the more that churches and believers can be recognized as people doing good deeds out of genuine love and compassion, the more appealing the Christian life will be to those who are on the sidelines watching. Showing that community action as a viable alternative to government programs is another means of introducing the value of the Christian faith in society.

5. The postmodern insistence on tolerance is winning over the Christian Church.

Our biblical illiteracy and lack of spiritual confidence has caused Americans to avoid making discerning choices for fear of being labeled judgmental. The result is a Church that has become tolerant of a vast array of morally and spiritually dubious behaviors and philosophies. This increased leniency is made possible by the very limited accountability that occurs within the body of Christ. There are fewer and fewer issues that Christians believe churches should be dogmatic about. The idea of love has been redefined to mean the absence of conflict and confrontation, as if there are no moral absolutes that are worth fighting for. That may not be surprising in a Church in which a minority believes there are moral absolutes dictated by the scriptures.

The challenge today is for Christian leaders to achieve the delicate balance between representing truth and acting in love. The challenge for every Christian in the U.S. is to know his/her faith well enough to understand which fights are worth fighting, and which stands are non-negotiable. There is a place for tolerance in Christianity; knowing when and where to draw the line appears to perplex a growing proportion of Christians in this age of tolerance.

6. The influence of Christianity on culture and individual lives is largely invisible.

Christianity has arguably added more value to American culture than any other religion, philosophy, ideology or community. Yet, contemporary Americans are hard pressed to identify any specific value added. Partly due to the nature of today’s media, they have no problem identifying the faults of the churches and Christian people.

Closing thoughts

With the likelihood of an accelerating pace of life and increasingly incomplete cues being given to the population, Christian leaders would do well to revisit their criteria for "success" and the measures used to assess it. In a society in which choice is king, there are no absolutes. Every individual is a free agent and we are taught to be self-reliant and independent. Christianity is no longer the automatic, default faith of young adults. In today's ever-expanding post-modern church environment and its weakening "Christian" worldview, cuppled with the professing cry of the "Spiritual But Not Religious" (SBNR) college experience, the true Biblical Gospel of Jesus Christ is quickly becoming irrelevant and unnecessary... 

It is only Jesus Christ that truly changes a life! He is found in the true Gospel. He alone saves man. His Word exposes the sinful heart of man, resucing souls from an eternity without God the Father... Only true Christian faith and the power of the Holy Spirit changes lives and save souls! Please repent before it's too late...

Keep looking up and sharing the Gospel while there is still time… Hallelujah and Maranatha!

We are not guaranteed tomorrow – tomorrow may be too late! If you haven't yet made that most important decision of your life, won't you make Jesus Christ your personal Lord and Savior today - before it's too late? Todayis the day of Salvation!

If you have been blessed by this message or have a specific question, prayer request or testimony, please send me a note to: encouragingconcepts@live.com

I love hearing from you. Keep reading Encouraging Concepts!

Shane K. Morin <><

Encouraging Concepts
Truth for Today
"Living Life From a Biblical Worldview"

Lighthouse Publications <><
"Dedicated to the Never Ending Search for the Creator's calling within You" (TM)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Election 2012: America’s Rejection of Biblical Values‏

Hello Friends!

This is not an easy message to present. In fact, many folks would consider such a message to be quite discouraging – and in many ways, it is indeed discouraging. However, we must face the facts, no matter how difficult they may be for us to admit. Many of our EC readers have expressed their concerns for our nation and the pending fall-out that is sure to plague our land very soon. Please let me start by stating that we must first and foremost repent – personally and nationally – for allowing sin, greed and the pride of life to guide our decisions as a nation. America must take God seriously! We must also pray to the Lord and plead for His forgiveness – beginning with the Christian Church Body. Many of you were truly intentional in voting for Biblical values, truth and your consciences. Sad to say many more were not.

It is with this article that I intend to defend the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ as well as share with you the choices and decisions many of our citizens have collectively made as a nation and what we can expect. The repercussions of our decisions will no doubt be very detrimental to our nation. I contend we have clearly become – The Divided States of America...

Election 2012: America’s Rejection of Biblical Values

The 2012 American Presidential Election is now complete. Barack Hussein Obama was elected for another four-year term as President of the United States, even though he threw his presidential weight behind:

Same-sex Marriage Sodomy
The continual devaluation of human life Pro-choice Abortion = Murder
The erosion of religious liberty the further silencing of Biblical Christianity

Central government control of health care and health finance Obama Care
At every point where the American populace has had the opportunity to uphold Biblical values, the majority has rejected them. We as a nation are now – and have been for a long time – under God’s Divine Judgment. Here are the major offenses our nation has voted into law to date which are clear signs of rebellion against our Lord and His Biblical mandate:

  • The U.S. states of Maine, Maryland and Washington became the first states in our Union to vote for homosexual marriage
  • The U.S. state of Massachusetts chose to join Washington and Oregon in allowing for euthanasia (Doctor-assisted suicide)
  • The U.S. state of Colorado legalized the recreational use of Marijuana
  • The U.S. states of Massachusetts, Maryland and Oregon legalized the medical use of Marijuana
  • The U.S. state of Minnesota failed to pass a Constitutional Amendment to prevent same-sex marriage
  • The U.S. state of Wisconsin’s own Tammy Baldwin has become the first openly gay candidate to be elected to the United States Senate

America has enjoyed the favor of God since its inception over 200 years ago. However, instead of honoring Him and thanking Him for His abundant blessings on our nation, we are now shaking our fist in His face in sheer defiance and poking Him in His eye with our sin – all against a Holy and perfectly Just God. We as Christians are right to be concerned as Christians within the Christian Church. So, what does this election mean for America and especially for Christians in the Christian Church? Could God be judging America because the Church has compromised the Gospel of Jesus Christ on behalf of political conservatism & activism? This article represents a partial response from my heart in addressing these very important questions as we look to the Holy Scriptures for answers to these unpopular topics - from a Biblical worldview.

The Lord had this to say to Israel in the book of Amos, which could easily be an applicable warning to America – or any other nation – that would rebel against Him in complete defiance: 

Hear this word that the Lord has spoken against you, O children of Israel, against the whole family which I brought up from the land of Egypt, saying: "You only have I known of all the families of the earth; Therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities." Can two walk together, unless they are agreed? Will a lion roar in the forest, when he has no prey? Will a young lion cry out of his den, if he has caught nothing? Will a bird fall into a snare on the earth, where there is no trap for it? Will a snare spring up from the earth, if it has caught nothing at all? If a trumpet is blown in a city, will not the people be afraid? If there is calamity in a city, will not the Lord have done it? Surely the Lord God does nothing, Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets. A lion has roared! Who will not fear? The Lord God has spoken! Who can but prophesy? "Proclaim in the palaces at Ashdod, And in the palaces in the land of Egypt, and say: 'Assemble on the mountains of Samaria; See great tumults in her midst, And the oppressed within her. For they do not know to do right,' Says the Lord, 'Who store up violence and robbery in their palaces.' " Amos 3:1-10
A Lion has indeed roared and He rules and reigns on High! I say again - America must begin to take God serious and listen to Him. Like America today, Israel had fallen to the seductive power of materialism, Idolatry, and spiritual apathy. God was speaking, but the nation of Israel was not listening! Keep this in mind, the Lord will not tolerate spoiled children. These are the covenant people of God – the Jews – and Israel, their covenant land and God told them that since they were not listening to Him, He would punish them for all of their iniquities. In light of these passages in Amos, can we assume that God could be speaking to America today? Although we are not the covenant nation of Israel, God is indeed speaking to America – first and foremost through His Word, the Bible. 

In Amos chapters 1 & 2, the Lord pronounces judgment on the nations that surrounded Israel. God plants nations and He uproots nations. Over and over throughout the course of history in the Bible, the Lord pronounces His judgment on nations that do not obey Him – America is no exception.

God is also speaking to America through natural disasters, calamities and various national crisis. In Matthew 24, Jesus Christ Himself gives an abundance of “signs” that will be evident just prior to His Second Coming:
Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all  these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows… 
And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come – Matthew 24:3-8, 10-14
It would behoove of Americas to examine these “signs” and warnings and compare them to the tragic events of today. Anyone with an ear to hear and eyes to see cannot escape the obvious truth of the Scriptures and the pending judgment that awaits those who do not honor, respect and obey our Holy, just, righteous and yes, a loving God.

God also speaks through the removal of His Divine Hand of protection, in which I contend America is experiencing today through the immoral and debase leadership we have elected into power. The 9/11 incident was a clear sign that God was removing His protective Hand from America. But again, we were not listening. Because God is Holy and Righteous, He cannot and will not tolerate sin. Here's the fact of human nature: Man in his fallen state due to the inheritance of Adam and Eve's original sin and disobedience in the Garden of Eden is a lost sinner in whom God must judge. Romans 3:10-19 and James 2:10-11 are clear Scriptures that exclaim the truth that no one is exempt from eternal death and man is by nature, a sinner. God has already set His wrath upon the ungodly. Judgment day is coming and the only solution for man's sinful and lost condition is to be eternally saved through the death of the Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary and His resurrection from the grave three days later – this is the Biblical Gospel of Jesus Christ!

Finally, God judges nations that attempts to bring harm to the "apple of His eye" Israel and His chosen people, the Jews. Genesis 12:3 declares "I bless those that bless you and curse those that curse you" America is clearly no longer an outspoken friend of Israel nor a supporter of her people

We will close this discussion with some of the most sobering Scriptures found in the book of Romans chapter 1, in which I contend describes the desolate state of the American culture today and is clearly the foundation of God's fury and judgment on our nation.
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things. 
Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. 
For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. 
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful… Romans 1:18-31
And now the most telling verse of the entire first chapter of Romans…
…who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them Romans 1:32
The book of Romans Chapter 1 is what I believe God spoke through the Apostle Paul's pen as a preview of life in 2012. Romans 1:18-32 certainly describes the state of affairs in this country as well as the world abroad.

In closing:

The following words spoken by the Apostle Paul is a prophetic picture that perfectly describes American society today:

But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power… – 2 Timothy 3:1-5
People have become so utterly brazen in their ungodliness and unrighteousness that they manage to suppress the truth and boast about it! So much so, they refuse to acknowledge any scrap of common sense. However, God will not be mocked and His Righteous Fury will soon be unleashed on an unbelieving world. Are you ready for that day? I pray you are... 


To our unbelieving friends, I urge you to repent now, before it is too late...
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith” – Romans 1:16-17
Time is running out. Receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior now before your heart is so hardened, you are unable – or unwilling to hear His voice. Please take heed to this warning! Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to the Father! These are His Words:
I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me  John 14:6
Without Jesus Christ's substitutionary death on the Cross of Calvary for your iniquities, you will die in your sins and face the Wrath of God at The Great White Throne Judgment. You will then receive your just sentence – a literal, physical and eternal place of torment, a place known in the Bible as Hell. Heaven will NOT be your final destination apart from Jesus Christ! Please heed this warning time is running out!
If you have any questions about how to become a true follower of Jesus Christ, please contact me, another Christian or a Pastor but please do not delay... Today is the day of Salvation!

We are not guaranteed tomorrow – tomorrow may be too late!  If you haven't yet made that most important decision of your life, won't you make Jesus Christ your personal Lord and Savior today - before it's too late? Today is the day of Salvation!

If you have been blessed by this message or have a specific question, prayer request or testimony, please send me a note to: encouragingconcepts@live.com

I love hearing from you.  Keep reading Encouraging Concepts!

Shane K. Morin <><
Encouraging Concepts
Truth for Today
"Living Life From a Biblical Worldview"

Lighthouse Publications <>< 
"Dedicated to the Never Ending Search for the Creator's calling within You" (TM)

Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Purpose Driven Life... Again‏

Hello Friends!

Rick Warren recently announced a ten year anniversary update of his mega-popular book The Purpose Driven Life. Warren says that a whole new generation now needs this new and latest update in which he declares the “single most important ingredient” in the growth of his church is not the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ or Biblical discipleship but “the power of the annual campaign”...

The Purpose Driven Life - Again…

So where did Mr. Warren learn the power of the campaign? Rick Warren in his own words declare that he learned the importance of the campaign strategy from… The Communists!

Perhaps to Rick Warren, his own endeavors hold more power and influence than the Word of God. The words of Rick Warren seem to indicate that he is reliant upon pragmatic, self-concocted schemes to fill the seats of Saddleback Church. True Christians however, know that Jesus Christ declared in Matthew 16:18 that He would build His church. Such growth – whether large or small by man's standards – is achieved through the preaching of the Word, the sharing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Now this is not shocking because I believe Rick Warren much like his friend, mentor, business guru and modern-management pioneer, the late Peter Drucker – embraces communitarianism which can best be described as a toxic mix of Capitalism & Socialism. This philosophy has also been described by Warren and Drucker as the three legged stool strategy of big government, big business & big churches working together as equal partners for a social justice/social gospel agenda. The unbiblical model of Rick Warren’s church growth movement contrasts the Biblical description of a New Testament church. Interestingly, if one would further study the history and foundation of Communism itself, one would find its roots can be traced back to the Church of Rome via the Jesuit Order (Society of Jesus) pioneered by Ignatius Loyola in 1540 in which was created to destroy the Protestant Reformation.

From a theological perspective, The Purpose Driven Life fails in many key doctrines which are often altogether ignored, explained incompletely, or discussed without adequate scriptural support. The Gospel, for example, is presented without mention of repentance, the reason Jesus Christ died on the cross, or the eternal consequences of sin. Instead, the reader is simply asked to:

 "…whisper the prayer that will change your eternity: 'Jesus, I believe in you and I receive you'" (p. 58)
Warren continues:
"If you sincerely meant that prayer, congratulations! Welcome to the family of God" (p. 59)
His definition of the "Good News" later in the book goes no deeper – emphasizing the benefits of grace without explaining man's desperate condition or God's command to repent (see pp. 294-95). You will look long and hard in this book to find the Biblical Gospel. How could one ever live a purpose driven life if we didn't know how to get into the kingdom of God or how to be saved from our sins?

Over the next few months, there is little doubt that this revamped version of PDL will make its way into the hands of many professing Christians. Then, with the start of 2013, a myriad of churches will join with Saddleback in this latest annual campaign, which will be based upon the 10th anniversary edition of the book. While many may read it and find what they believe to be their "God-given purpose" – without repentance and faith in Christ – this "purpose" will be worked toward to no avail. It is the Word of God and the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit that truly transforms lives. Not a book of man and certainly not a book that fails to clearly articulate the saving truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek – Romans 1:16
The Purpose Driven Church books and many of its programs are published by Rupert Murdoch, who owns 175 newspapers worldwide and a large percentage of the television and communications industry. He also owns several magazines, some of which have been classified as pornographic. Many folks are unaware of the fact that Mr. Murdoch also purchased Christian publisher Zondervan which recently merged with Thomas Nelson, resulting in the two largest Christian publishers being co-opted under this anti-Christian organization. Billions of dollars pour into the Purpose Driven Church movement. Don’t be fooled by the Saddleback Website. You can’t catch many fish unless you have look-alike bait!

Are you ready to explain to your pastor and church leadership the unbiblical philosophies and agenda of Rick Warren? If not, you better get up to speed because Warren is working to enlist thousands of more pastors and churches into his next PDL 40 day campaign…

We are not guaranteed tomorrow – tomorrow may be too late!  If you haven't yet made that most important decision of your life, won't you make Jesus Christ your personal Lord and Savior today - before it's too late? Today is the day of Salvation!

If you have been blessed by this message or have a specific question, prayer request or testimony, please send me a note to: encouragingconcepts@live.com

I love hearing from you.  Keep reading Encouraging Concepts!

Shane K. Morin <><
Encouraging Concepts
Truth for Today
"Living Life From a Biblical Worldview"

Lighthouse Publications <>< 
"Dedicated to the Never Ending Search for the Creator's calling within You" (TM)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Pulpit Initiative

Hello Friends!
With next week's American 2012 elections upon us, I thought I would take the opportunity to share with you an exciting and very important program that allows for the protection of free speech for our pastors in the pulpit.  The Christian organization The Alliance Defense Fund (http://www.alliancedefensefund.org) has pioneered this effort. The following article is an overview of this wonderful effort. 

Please join me in passing along this important information to your pastors & friends. Together we can make a positive difference!

The Pulpit Initiative

In 2008, Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) launched the Pulpit Initiative, which is designed to restore the right of pastors to speak freely from the pulpit on any and all issues addressed by Scripture.
"And how are they to believe in Him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?" - Romans 10:14-15
Historically, churches have emphatically, and with great passion, spoken Scriptural truth from the pulpit about government and culture. Historians have stated that America owes its independence in great degree to the moral force of the pulpit. Pastors have proclaimed Scriptural truth throughout history on great moral issues such as slavery, women’s suffrage, child labor and prostitution. Pastors have also spoken from the pulpit with great frequency for and against various candidates for government office.

All that changed in 1954 with the passage of the "Johnson amendment" which restricted the right of churches and pastors to speak Scriptural truth about candidates for office. The Johnson amendment was proposed by then-Senator Lyndon Johnson, and it changed the Internal Revenue Code to prohibit churches and other non-profit organizations from supporting or opposing a candidate for office. After the Johnson amendment passed, churches faced a choice of either continuing their tradition of speaking out or silencing themselves in order to retain their church’s tax exemption. The Internal Revenue Service, in conjunction with radical organizations like the American Civil Liberties Union, Americans United for Separation of Church and State and others have used the Johnson amendment to create an atmosphere of intimidation and fear for any church that dares to speak Scriptural truth about candidates for office or issues.

It is time for the intimidation and threats to end. Churches and pastors have a constitutional right to speak freely and truthfully from the pulpit – even on candidates and voting – without fearing loss of their tax exemption. Pastors and church leaders all over America are finding renewed courage to stand for the truth of the Gospel in their community, are standing for their constitutionally protected rights and, with the help of ADF, are successfully warding off government intrusions and intimidation.

The following is the Executive Summary of the Pulpit Initiative as outlined by the Alliance Defense Fund:

In 1954, the U.S. Congress amended (without debate or analysis) Internal Revenue Code §501(c)(3) to restrict the speech of non-profit tax exempt entities, including churches. Before the amendment was passed, there were no restrictions on what churches could or couldn’t do with regard to speech about government and voting, excepting only a 1934 law preventing non-profits from using a substantial part of their resources to lobby for legislation.

The 1954 amendment, offered by then-Senator Lyndon Johnson, stated that non-profit tax-exempt entities could not “participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office.” Since the amendment passed, the IRS has steadfastly maintained that any speech by churches about candidates for government office, including sermons from the pulpit, can result in loss of tax exemption.

Historically, churches had frequently and fervently spoken for and against candidates for government office. Such sermons date from the founding of America, including sermons against Thomas Jefferson for being a deist; sermons opposing William Howard Taft as a Unitarian; and sermons opposing Al Smith in the 1928 presidential election. Churches have also been at the forefront of most of the significant societal and governmental changes in our history including ending segregation and child labor and advancing civil rights.

After the amendment, churches faced a choice of speaking freely on any and all issues addressed by Scripture and potentially risking their tax exemption, or remaining silent and protecting their tax exemption. Unfortunately, many churches have allowed the 1954 Johnson amendment to effectively silence their speech, even from the pulpit. Ironically, after 50 years of strict interpretation by the IRS, there is no reported situation to date where a church has lost its tax exempt status or been directly punished for sermons delivered from the pulpit. Nonetheless, the law remains unchanged. Thus, many churches accept the IRS interpretation of the Code and become silent.

ADF believes that the Johnson amendment is unconstitutional in restricting the expression of sermons delivered from the pulpits of churches. This initiative is designed to return freedom to the pulpit by allowing pastors to speak out on the profound and important issues of the day.
There are many reasons why the 1954 Johnson amendment violates the Constitution. Here are some of the key reasons why the amendment is unconstitutional:

  • The amendment violates the Establishment Clause by requiring the government to excessively and pervasively monitor the speech of churches to ensure they are not transgressing the restriction in the amendment. The amendment allows the government to determine when truly religious speech becomes impermissibly “political.” The government has no business making such decisions.
  • The amendment violates the Free Speech Clause because it requires the government to discriminate against speech based solely on the content of the speech. In other words, some speech is allowed, but other speech is not. The Supreme Court has invalidated this type of speech discrimination for decades.
  • The amendment also violates the Free Speech Clause by conditioning the receipt of a tax exemption on refraining from certain speech. Put simply, if a church wants the tax exemption, they cannot speak on any and all issues addressed by Scripture. This is an unconstitutional condition on free speech.
  • The amendment violates the Free Exercise Clause because it substantially burdens a church’s exercise of religion. The government does not have a compelling reason to burden religion in this way.

Churches have too long feared the loss of tax exempt status. Rather than risk confrontation, pastors have self-censored their speech, ignoring blatant immorality in government and foregoing the opportunities to praise moral government leaders. Pastors who long to be relevant to society, to preach the Gospel in a way that has meaning in modern America, often studiously ignore much that goes on in politics lest they draw attention of the IRS.

ADF believes that the IRS restriction on religious expression from the pulpit is unconstitutional. After 50 years of threats and intimidation, churches should reclaim the expressive rights guaranteed to them in the United States Constitution.

*ADF does not endorse or oppose political parties or candidates, nor does it urge allegiance to any political party or candidate. ADF does believe that churches and pastors have the freedom to plainly speak Scriptural truth about the qualifications of candidates for public office regardless of the candidate’s political affiliation.

*IRS CIRCULAR 230 DISCLOSURE: Any tax advice contained in this communication was not written for the purpose of and is not intended to be used for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties imposed by the Internal Revenue Code or (ii) promoting, marketing, or recommending any transaction or matter addressed herein.

The Pulpit Initiative: What it is and is not

The Pulpit Initiative is not about...  
  • Turning the church into a Political Action Committee
  • Allowing contributions to candidates
  • Any particular candidate or political party
  • “Political” speech
  • Endorsing or opposing candidates

The Pulpit Initiative is about...
  • A bold defense of the First Amendment’s Establishment, Free Exercise, and Free Speech clauses
  • About protecting core religious expression
  • Only related to what a pastor says from his pulpit, for example, on a Sunday morning (i.e., not about voter guides, candidate appearances, or other “political” activities)

The purpose of the Pulpit Initiative is to restore the right of pastors to speak freely from the pulpit without fear of punishment by the government for doing what churches do: speak on any number of cultural and societal issues from a biblical perspective. The purpose of the ADF Pulpit Initiative is not – as some have intentionally tried to confuse the issue – about whether pastors should or should not “endorse” candidates. The issue with which ADF is concerned is over who regulates what may be said from the pulpit.

Certainly, congregations and a church’s leadership can tell pastors they don’t want names of candidates spoken from the pulpit. But that is very different from government censorship. To government regulators, today’s “Gospel” may well be words that are tomorrow’s “politics.” ADF has already defended Americans in many cases where publicly preaching words straight from the Gospel has led to censorship… and even jail.

The bottom line is that no enforcement agency of the federal government should be telling a pastor what he can or cannot say from his pulpit about the Bible and his church’s teaching on the issues of the hour – even if the pastor’s sermon applies Scripture and church teaching to candidates and elections. Such agencies certainly cannot condition tax-exempt status – a status churches have always been constitutionally guaranteed since our founding – on the surrender of cherished First Amendment rights.

ADF has the U.S. Constitution and the weight of American history on its side. Those who oppose the Pulpit Initiative have yet to make one constitutionally – derived argument against it. It is ironic that they laud the “separation of church and state” in opposition to the Pulpit Initiative, but by opposing the initiative, are asking for continued government control and censorship of a pastor’s sermon. 

The pulpit is no place for government regulators. For more information on The Pulpit Initiative, visit: http://www.speakupmovement.org/Church/LearnMore/Details/3882

If you have been blessed by this message or have a specific question, prayer request or testimony, please send me a note to: encouragingconcepts@live.com

I love hearing from you.  Keep reading Encouraging Concepts!

Shane K. Morin <><
Encouraging Concepts
Truth for Today
"Living Life From a Biblical Worldview"

Lighthouse Publications <>< 
"Dedicated to the Never Ending Search for the Creator's calling within You" (TM)